Cherry Tomato (Round Shape) – (Pack of 50 Seeds)


Cherry Tomato (Round Shape) – (Pack of 50 Seeds)


Original price was: ₹60.00.Current price is: ₹45.00.

Cherry Tomatoes are the easiest of all the tomatoes to grow. They set fruit under greater climate extremes than do large-fruited varieties, and are incredibly productive and disease resistant. It get an instant burst of color and flavor. They are an ideal kitchen garden veggie.

Availability:Out of stock

SEED TYPE : Non-Hybrid, Open Pollinated, Heirloom

PLANT TYPE : Annual, Climbing Type


SOWING TIME: All Season Crop

SOWING METHOD : Directly from seed / Transplanting


GROWING CONTAINER : 12 inch height pot / Garden bed.

GROWING MEDIA : 2 part  Garden soil 1 part Cocopeat 1 part Vermicompost.

ROOTING : 60 – 75 Days after sowing.


Cherry Tomatoes to get an instant burst of color and flavor. This extremely versatile variety of tomatoes is used to lend a sweet juicy flavour to salads, salsa, pizza and pasta. Cherry tomatoes are easiest to grow and are the first to fruit. They include both bush and climbing varieties, and all bear prolifically.

Sow seeds a quarter to half an inch deep, and water gently but thoroughly. It’s important that seeds remain moist until they sprout. A seed that has become wet and begun germinating will die if it dries out.

Containers suitable for growing tomatoes in pots on your patio or deck come in all shapes and sizes. A good container should be large enough for adequate soil and roots. Tomatoes in pots (like other homegrown crops) need good drainage. Otherwise water will pool in the container and roots will rot, killing the plant and all its tomatoes along with it. Make sure that your container or pot has drainage holes in the bottom.

Watering the plant is very important as it’s a source of growth. So, water the plant in a proper proportion regularly. Say in summer, water twice a day else every day once in the morning and in evening, winter 4 days once. In case of rain not required. The basic idea is don’t over water or under water. Watering is completely depended on the plant as well as the climate. So make sure the plant never gets dried up and nor watering should be in such a way that water stands around the plant above the soil , well there are drainage holes to prevent excess watering in a container but in the case of land water carefully. Watering from the day of sowing till harvest is a must.

Cherry Tomatoes are sun lovers and love a warm, even hot environment. Tomatoes need support as their fruit is rather heavy. There are many different types of supports available whether you prefer wood or metal. As much as tomatoes love the sun, they should be protected from rain. They can be harvested from July until late into the autumn. Tomatoes should never be kept in the refrigerator, as they lose their flavor there.

Cherry Tomato plant will start flowering at the beginning of 3rd month, Cherry Cherry Tomatoes can be harvested 60-70 from the sowing of seeds & harvesting season can continue for next 3 months or so.

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