Cypress Vine / Humming Bird Vine (Red) – (Pack of 20+ Seeds)


Cypress Vine / Humming Bird Vine (Red) – (Pack of 20+ Seeds)


Original price was: ₹75.00.Current price is: ₹35.00.

Cypress Vine red is a tiny red morning glory that blooms hundreds of star-shaped flowers all summer. Feathery blue-green foliage makes it extra showy. This dainty climber is very enthusiastic, climbs 20′ it will cover a fence in a season.

Availability:51 in stock

Original price was: ₹75.00.Current price is: ₹35.00.

Availability:51 in stock

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SEED TYPE : Open Pollinated



SOWING TIME : All Season

SOWING METHOD : Directly from seed


GROWING CONTAINER : 12 inch Pot / Garden Bed

FLOWERING : 100- 110 days after Sowing,


Cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) has thin, thread-like leaves that give the plant a light, airy texture. It is usually grown against a trellis or pole, which it climbs by twining itself around the structure. The star-shaped flowers bloom all summer and into fall in red, pink or white. Hummingbirds and butterflies love to sip nectar from the flowers, and the plant is often referred to as a hummingbird vine.

Cypress vine Easy to grow, Cypress Vine deserves wider use in American gardens. After all, it quickly reaches up to 25 feet long, with handsome fern-like foliage and brilliant blooms that keep coming for months. A fine screen or barrier planting, this vine offers lush, dense foliage dotted with neat, 5-pointed star-shaped blooms. The flowers have long trumpet-shaped throats, perfect for visiting pollinators, and are studded among the foliage like bright jewels.

Cypress Vine plants grow well in full sun or partial shade. They are not picky about the quality of soil, but it does need to have good drainage. Once the Cypress Vine Star Glory plant is established well, it can withstand periods of drought. Blooms will usually start the first of summer and continue until fall. In some warm regions, Cypress Vine will grow as a perennial.

Hummingbird Vine seeds are large. Some gardeners recommend soaking the seeds in tepid water for 2 hours before sowing. This is supposed to quicken germination. Sow the Cypress Vine flower seed indoors 3 – 4 weeks before the end of frost season. Using small pots, sow the flower seeds onto moist starter mix and cover 1/8 inch with soil. Keep the Cypress Vine seed moist until germination. Transplant the seedling outdoors after danger of frost. Another method would be to directly sow Cypress Vine seeds outdoors after all danger of frost. Once the soil has warmed and can be loosened and weeded, sow 6 Cypress Vine flower seeds per foot. Cover with 1/8 inch garden soil, and keep them moist until germination. When seedlings emerge, thin to 9 – 12 inches apart.

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