Carrot Round (Parisienne Carrot) – (Pack of 100 Seeds)


Carrot Round (Parisienne Carrot) – (Pack of 100 Seeds)


Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

Carrot Round are  small, round,  tender, orange globes are superb lightly steamed. This little carrot is great for home and market gardens, as this variety is fairly uniform and easy to grow even in heavy soils. It has abundant beta-carotene, antioxidants and mineral treasures are considered a super-healthy food.

Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹65.00.

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SEED TYPE : Non-Hybrid, Open Pollinated, Heirloom

PLANT TYPE : Annual Root Crop

FRUIT COLOR :  Orange, Round

SOWING TIME: All Season Crop

SOWING METHOD : Directly from seed


GROWING CONTAINER : 18 inch height pot / Garden bed.

GROWING MEDIA : 2 part  Garden soil 1 part Cocopeat 1 part Vermicompost.

ROOTING : 100 – 110 Days after sowing.


These are small, round carrots are so popular in France. The tender, orange globes are superb lightly steamed. This little carrot is great for home and market gardens, as this variety is fairly uniform and easy to grow even in heavy soils.

Direct sow from mid-April until early August in friable, fertile, deeply worked soil. Choose your least weedy soil for carrots, as they are tricky to cultivate when young; carrots can take 10 days to germinate, and can be quickly choked about by weeds. Thin young carrots seedlings to 2″ apart, then thin baby carrots by pulling out every other carrot, allowing the remaining carrots to grow to full size.

While good carrots can be grown in any soil, they only grow to supermarket size in loose and deep soils without too many rocks. (Even if strangely shaped or undersized, their flavor and crunch is superior to store-bought.) Fall carrots can be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator or in a root cellar for months. Do not store fresh carrots with the tops on, they draw water and nutrients from the roots. Rather, remove the tops after harvesting and use to flavor soup stock.

The health benefits of carrot are many more than that. Carrots can reduce risk of diabetes, cancer, and greatly improve the health of the skin and the immune system. So if you are still not convinced about adding this to your kitchen gardens, then let us also tell you that eating carrots can be extremely beneficial for reducing inflammations and healing wounds also.

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