Palak / Spinach (Multicut)


Palak / Spinach (Multicut)

1 customer review Sold: 17

Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

Spinach/ Palak is a widely grown, hot season leafy vegetable, this can be grown in back yards or open fields also. It is rich and cheap source of vitamin A, iron, essential amino acids, Anti oxidents.   It can  grown up to 3 to 4 month as a multi cut leafy vegetable.

Pack size : 50 – 60 seeds,
Crop type : Summer & Rainy season crop,
Ideal climate : Partial shade to Full Sunlight,
Ideal Temperature : 15 – 30° C.
Sowing method: Direct sowing,
Germination rate : 90%,
Sowing Season : Throughout the year,
First Harvest : 35 – 40 days after Germination,
Crop spacing : 10 cm plant to plant,
Crop use : Leafy purpose,
Grow bag size : 12″ – 16″ Dia & 6″ Height,
Crop duration : 3 – 4 months.

Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

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  Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

It is annuals or short-lived perennials. The stem and leaves are reddish in color and  they bear simple, alternately arranged leaves with a pinkish taproot. It is generally upright, bushy herbs 90-130cm tall.

Amaranths flowers are typically feature colorful bracts and are arranged in dense showy inflorescence, a single plant can produce hundreds or thousands of seeds. The plants have drought tolerance capacity. Several species of amaranth used for both the leafy greens and the seeds.

Amaranths typically produce high yields of leaves and seeds, are easy to grow and harvest, and are simple to cook. Both the leaves and the seeds are nutritionally dense and are good sources iron. The leaves can be eaten fresh or cooked like spinach and are often added to salads or soups.

Red-leaf vegetable amaranths has medium green leaves with burgundy-red overlay creates an attractive splash of color to your summertime salads.

Other Names:  Pasali (Tamil), Palak (Hindi & Marathi), Visalacheera (Malayalam), Dantu (Kannada), Palakura (Telugu).

Climate – Partial shade to full sunlight (6 -10 hours)

Palak is a hot weather crop but also grown in moderate winter season also. It can tolerate frost to some extant. These crop can grown well in winter season.

Temperature – 15°C – 30°C

The most Optimum temperature for growing palak is around 20° – 30 °C. Palak is a winter season crop that grows in partial shade to full sunlight. Best germination occurs when soil temperatures range from 25 -30°C.

Soil – 2 : 1 : 1 ratio of Red soil : Sand/coco peat : Manure

Palak  can grow wide rage of soil, but it respond well in well drained loamy soil with good organic matter.  The soil medium should be loose, so palak seedlings could establish roots easily and quickly. Red soil with good organic matter is recommended for growing in natural earth. For pots, a mixture of soil, sand/coco peat and manure of ratio 2:1:1 is highly recommended.

Sowing Method – Direct Sowing 

Palak seeds can be sown directly on soil by forming raised beds or in shallow grow bags.   Raised beds of width 30-35 cm and convenient length are formed. The seeds sow at 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch apart. Line sowing also followed at a distancde of 10 cm between rows. Seed germination starts in a week. Once seeds are completely germinated, thinning out needs to be done to reduce competition between plants.

Watering – 4 days once

At the time of sowing, there should be enough moisture in the soil for better germination.  The first irrigation is given immediately after sowing with out  affecting the seeds. Avoid rapid water flow to prevent washing off of seeds. Subsequent irrigation may be given at 2 days intervals except rainy days.

Manure – Neemcake / vermicompost

Palak does not need any feeding once germinated. At the time of sowing add sufficient quantity of FYM or Other organic compost is sufficient to complete entire life cycle of the crop. Compost is a wonderful form of organic matter with a good balance of nutrients and an ideal pH level. Chemical fertilizers like  N:P2O5:K2O @2:1:1 ratio can be applied before sowing. Spraying panchakavya or neem oil at weekly interval helps to boost the plant growth.

Mulching – Organic mulch

Mulches helps to retain soil moisture and maintain even soil temperatures. For annuals an organic mulch of shredded leaves or straw gives a natural look to the bed and will improve the soil fertility as it is decomposed  in time. Always keep mulches off a plant’s stems to prevent possible rot.

Harvesting –   5 – 6 weeks after sowing

The crop become ready for harvesting about  five to six weeks after sowing and subsequent cuttings may be done after 8 to 10 days. Cut off outer leaves, which are 3 to 4 inch long. On an average, palak crop gives 4 – 6 harvest.

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