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Ash gourd is a popular vegetable used across all cuisines in the world. It is also known by different names like white gourd, winter gourd and tallow gourd. Plants belong to vine category and bear fruits of large size when matured eaten as vegetables. They have long shelf life.

Original price was: ₹75.00.Current price is: ₹55.00. Sold: 2

Tinda is also called Apple Gourd or Indian squash is a cucurbit with diameter of approximately 5–8 cm, appears spherical in shape and green in colour. It is indigenous to India. The hairy 4′ long vines flower within 30 to 35 days, and the smooth fruit is ready to pick 2 to 3 weeks later.

50.00 Sold: 0

Long Melon also know as yard Long Cucumber or kakdi is an open pollinated plant that is closely related to cucumbers with a similar flavor. These cucumbers are 12-18″ long; crisp, ribbed, with a sweet, mild flavor, but best picked when under 12″.

55.00 Sold: 2

Snake Gourd Green Long is a vine plant and it climbs a tree and then unfurls its flowers and fruits towards the ground. Its leaves, tendrils, and leafy parts are used as vegetable greens and improves immunity, reduces fever, detoxifies the body, hydrates, treats diabetes, aids digestion and weight loss.

Original price was: ₹55.00.Current price is: ₹50.00. Sold: 8

Pack size : 15 seeds

Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹50.00. Sold: 2
Original price was: ₹60.00.Current price is: ₹55.00. Sold: 10
Original price was: ₹60.00.Current price is: ₹55.00. Sold: 0
Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹50.00. Sold: 2

Clove Beans (Ipomoea Muricata) is a crop can be grown throughout the year,  Hence it is called ‘Nithya Vazhuthana’ in Malayalam. It is a vine plant with small bunches of fruits. Tender fruits are used for cooking. The fruit are with long pedicels and swollen tips like bulb.

Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹40.00. Sold: 39
Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹50.00. Sold: 2
Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹50.00. Sold: 0
Original price was: ₹50.00.Current price is: ₹25.00. Sold: 1